Learning a new Language is Always Fun!
Posted on Wednesday, August 2, 2017, 04:43 PM, by Michael Meerovich, under
Canada News, Did You Know, Lifestyle, Travel
Bilingual boom?
If you are currently living in Canada, it may be worth your while to pick up a second language! According the CBC, Canada is becoming more and more bilingual and linguistically diverse. French-English bilingualism has never been higher, and more people are speaking languages oth...
Leaving Your Home for Vacation
Posted on Monday, July 31, 2017, 08:52 AM, by Paul Bookstaber, under
After Your Move, Did You Know, Holidays, Moving Tips, Travel, Weather
You're on the last leg of summer, and you're patiently awaiting that final day when you set out for a much deserved vacation. With all the excitement and anticipation of leaving for a lengthy amount of time, you must get a few priorities in order first. When it comes to leaving your house with your ...
Tags : productivity, proactive, safety, security, home, vacation, neighbors, family, animal, plants, pool, upkeep, safety check, checklist
There's Something in the Water!
Posted on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 11:51 AM, by Michael Meerovich, under
Canada News, Did You Know, Travel, Weather
A familiar face appears in Nova Scotia
Pumpkin has been found in Nova Scotia's very own Minas Basin. When you hear that name, you are probably thinking it's some domestic animal that got loose. However, what if I told you Pumpkin was a great white shark? Well, Pumpkin IS a great white shark, and she...
Tags : canada, news, sharks