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Forest Bathing Hits Canada

In a world quickly being devoured by technology, it is hard for one to escape all the gadgets and computers... whether the big screen or your handheld device. However, a simple thing called "forest bathing" is becoming more and more popular in Canada. Forest bathing, which started in Japan, is a way to cleanse yourself from all the world's distractions. What it is really about is meditation, being connected to nature, and (most importantly) keeping your sanity.


The Japanese name for forest bathing is “shinrin-yoku” meaning “taking in the forest atmosphere.” The concept derives from both Shinto and Buddhist practices -- both the most common religions in Japan. There recently have been a lot of health studies into this practice to determine if the health benefits are substantial. In Japan, it has already been considered a proper health care measure to focus on your mental health as well as your physical health.


Many people believe this forest bathing practice is simply walking through the forest, and many probably wonder if taking a stroll through the woods would suffice. As calming as walking in nature is, forest bathing is much more specific. When you forest bathe, you can go on your own or with a guide. The point is to become one with nature. The guide usually gives you some instructions. As you do it, you use all five senses to feel and immerse yourself in the forest. Your ability to hear the sounds of nature and feel the surrounding areas calms your mind. One of the guides had this to say: "I've had people that are used to being in the forest and at the end of (our forest bathing walk) they say, 'Wow… I've never walked in a forest like this ... It just changes what they think about being in nature."

So, what do you think? Is forest bathing just a new trend that hipsters will latch onto? Or is it a legitimate way to stay healthy that people in Canada should seriously consider? Comment below!

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