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6 Ways to Adjust After a Move

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You might be done with relocating to your new home, but the adjustment process is only just beginning. After a move, you have to take the time to settle in to your new place. It's a tough transition, sure, but it's an important step--especially when it comes to kids and pets. Luckily, there are some simple ways to ease the transition to your new surroundings. Check out some of the tips we've compiled below to help yourself get acclimated to your new home!

1. Make yourself at home.


The first step to settling in is unpacking all of your stuff. While you unpack (or perhaps before you even start), you'll want to clean the entire place. You don't want to unpack all of your belongings into a dirty apartment or house! If you're cleaning alone, use the time to get to know your new home better. You can even plan how you will decorate certain areas as you clean them. If the unpacking effort is a family affair, you can make this a fun bonding experience. This will be your first memory in your new home.

2. Stay in contact with family and friends.


There's no excuse for losing touch with friends or family after you move. With smartphones and social media, we are practically always in contact with each other. Since staying in touch is so easy, make sure you don't take this fact for granted. Send your old friend an email, text your sister and call your mom every once in a while!

3. Create a daily schedule.


One of the best methods for settling into a new environment is establishing some sort of routine. This adaptation method will help you feel more natural in your new surroundings, in turn making your place feel more like home. You'll know your way around the house and probably even the neighbourhood. We are all creatures of habit, so that's why routines are so beneficial. They are especially important for pets and kids.

4. Meet the new neighbours.


Some neighbours are awful, but your new ones probably aren't so bad. Give them a chance and introduce yourself and your family. They could be your new best friends, so take a stroll around the neighbourhood and be friendly! Bringing your children or pets with you can be an effective way of breaking the ice and starting conversation. This is also a good way to answer questions you have about the nearest grocery store, restaurants in town, garbage pickup and recycling centers.

5. Learn more about your new town.


Expand your horizons a bit and drive around. If you're in a city and don't have a car, use public transportation to survey the area. Discover as much as you can about your new neighbourhood and understand the layout of the town. Go buy some groceries at the local store, take your kids for a walk, let your pet explore the park. Again children and pets are great icebreakers.

TIP: You can also use the internet to explore your new town!

6. Immerse yourself in the community culture.


Don't be lame! Be the fun new neighbour on the block by hosting a housewarming party. Invite your new neighbours and see what else your new town has to offer. Participate in as many local activities and events as possible so you can meet plenty of new friends. If you have kids, be sure to get them involved as soon as you can. Enroll them in school, as well as athletics and other productive activities.

Focus on what really matters.

Sure, you might miss your old home at first. But eventually, you will learn to love your new place. You've embarked on a new journey, and it's important that you make the most of it. With these moving tips, you'll have no problem adjusting to your new home after a move--and hopefully make some new friends in the process! To quote somebody very important to me: "Making words like 'friend' and 'love'..."


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on July 23, 2015 - Moving Expert
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