Learning About an Area Before You Move There

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Getting a Feel for an Area Before You Move There

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If you are planning a move in the near future, you'll want to investigate potential landing spots for you and your family. Getting a feel for an area before you move there is extremely important, so we've created a list of ways to make sure your new home is the right fit for you. Whether your move is local or long-distance, you'll want to pay several visits to your new town prior to moving in -- and it's even better if you visit at different times of the year to see how things change. There are plenty of aspects you should be looking at when it comes to scoping out your new home. Below are some major factors we believe you should consider researching before you move into an area.


What are the people like? You'll need to get to know your neighbours at some point, so you might as well start some conversations during your visits. Take a walk around a local grocery store or a non-franchised shop. Introduce yourself to an employee or customer with some small talk and then mention how you're thinking of moving to the area. This should give you a feel for the local population, including demographics, habits, and general disposition.

What is there to do? Is your new home a big sports town or city? Are there a lot of concerts, shows and other events you can attend locally? Make sure there are plenty of activities to do in the area for your family, especially if you have children. Do some research about the best places to eat in town, and maybe even get some recommendations from locals during your visits. This will also help you keep guests busy when they come to the area to visit you.


What is the weather like? Before moving to a new area, you definitely want to check out the local climate. If you are moving to a different part of the country -- or out of the country altogether -- then this becomes even more important. Find out what the average temperatures are throughout the year so you know what you and your family are getting into.

Can you enjoy the outdoors? Examine an area's proximity to beaches and parks to see if there are more activities to do for your family. This will supplement your research about the area's sports and entertainment venues. If you're moving toward the coast, how far are you from the shoreline? Are you close to any national parks?


How are the local schools? If you have children, this is one of the most important things you're going to research. If you don't have children currently, this is still significant if you want children in the future. The quality of local public schools is a telling sign of whether or not you want to move to an area. You can talk to your real estate agent about this or do your own research online.

What is transportation like? If you have a car, you'll want to know how the traffic is on the roads for your morning and evening commute. You may also want to see if mass transit is available. Is there a bus system? Subway or light rail? How far is your new home from the closest major city?


Where is the closest hospital? Again, having children may make this factor more significant for some. However, it's important to know the location and distance of the nearest hospital in case of medical emergencies. It is also important to investigate the quality medical facilities, especially if there are several different ones in the area.

Is crime a problem? Chances are, if you're moving to an area, the crime rate isn't that bad. You probably wouldn't even be considering the move if the danger level was high in the town or city in question. If you need to look at numbers to feel more secure, there are various online tools to research crime statistics in your new hometown.

Consider all of these factors before moving to a new home or area. Also, be sure to take into account your family's priorities to make sure you've found the perfect fit.

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on October 14, 2014

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