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How to Dispose of Chemicals Before Your Move |
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When you're packing up your home, you may find you have items that moving companies are forbidden from transporting. Some cleaning products, household paints and other household chemicals are not allowed to be moved or transported on the truck, so you will have to dispose of them before you move.
Household hazardous waste
Household hazardous waste is considered unwanted material or products that are dangerous and can cause illness or death to people, plants and animals. Proper disposal of these items prevents them from ending up in landfills, leaching into ground water and contaminating the soil.
Some items that are considered household hazardous waste are:
- Acetone, nail polish remover, paint thinner
- Glues
- Pool and spa chemicals and cleaners
- Car waxes, polishes and windshield washer fluids
- Batteries
- Household cleaners: ammonia, bleach, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, abrasives, etc.
How to dispose of household chemicals properly
Firstly, you should never consider flushing any of the chemicals down your toilet where they will end up in the sewage system. Many of the chemicals can corrode plumbing and damage septic tanks and systems before they end up in waterways.
To properly dispose of those household chemicals, you will need to locate your nearest household hazardous waste collection center. Each province has its own system in place, so it's best to contact your town or city to see if there is a collection center in your area and find out the guidelines.
General safe storage tips
When using household chemicals, it's also important to store them properly and safely.
- Store them in their original containers and never remove the labels
- Keep them locked away where children cannot see or reach them
- DO NOT store products that may release fumes or catch fire inside your home, keep them in a shed or separate building if possible
Author : Ana M. Ferrer
on April 21, 2016
TopMoving.ca - Moving Expert
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