Moving day can be tedious and exhausting. It is better to pack certain essential items to carry with you on moving day, just make sure to keep them separate from your other belongings. These items will help you to survive for a couple of days, even if the moving truck carrying your belongings gets delayed.
Important documents and valuables
All important documents like escrow paperwork, home sale papers, educational certificates, job experience certificates, moving receipts, marriage certificates, insurance information, medical records and eyeglass prescriptions should be kept securely in an accordion-style file folder.
TIP: You should carry the originals while keeping a copy of these certificates at a secure location.
Food and water
Food and water are essential items that you should carry when you intend to travel long distances and are unsure of where rest stops are located. It would be helpful if you carried a small cooler with some fruit, sandwiches and water as well.
Recreation for children and adults while in transit is needed to keep boredom at bay. For adults, it can be your favourite book, a couple of magazines and music of your choice. For kids, it could be portable versions of their favourite activities, like a writing pad and crayons, handheld video games and card games.
First night kit
A first night kit containing a flashlight, towels, blankets, toiletries, a coffeemaker, a can opener, easy-to-cook canned food, paper plates, trash bags and toilet paper should be packed and kept with you in the car.
This will be especially useful for the first day after you move into your new home.
First aid kit
A first aid kit should be kept handy as well, and it should contain disinfectant lotion, a cotton roll, band aids, medicated ointments, aspirin and any other essential medication that you have been prescribed, especially for diabetic and heart patients.
A fully charged phone is the most important thing while you are on the move. It helps you not only to stay connected with friends and family but also to inquire about the status of your belongings from the movers.
Extra cash
There is a saying that "it is better to be safe than to be sorry." Plastic money is convenient, but carrying extra cash while on the move is a good practice so you can avoid ATM surcharges on your debit card. In some cases there might be no ATMs at your rest stops.
GPS can also be extremely helpful. All you need to do is simply plug in your moving destination location from your old home and your GPS will direct you in finding your new home safely and easily.
Mini vacation suitcase
A suitcase for a three-day vacation for each member of the family that is moving should be packed and kept in your car.
These suitcases should contain a change of clothes, medications and toiletries that you will need for the first few days after moving. It will help you to live comfortably for a couple of days at your new home without needing to rummage through your boxes. |