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Dealing with a Problem Roommate

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Not every roommate will be your best friend, and even if they are, problems definitely arise in co-living situations. Dealing with a problem roommate? Here's how to fix it!

Establish ground rules

Before you encounter any problems, set some ground rules with your roommate. Discuss a cleaning and chore schedule and talk about your expectations. For example, I get up early in the morning for work so keeping noise to a minimum at night would be helpful. While these rules won't eliminate all future problems, it will definitely help to prevent a few.

Pick your battles

Don't go to war over every little thing your roommate does that bothers you. Instead, pick and choose your battles and try not to sweat the small stuff. Your roommate not paying bills on time, neglecting her portion of the housework and showing disregard for your personal items are more important things to discuss than occasionally forgetting to put a glass away.

Talk about it diplomatically

When a problem arises, don't be passive-aggressive about the situation -- the best way to deal with a problem is to be open. Talk things over with your roommate and try to solve the issue. Remember, any problem small or large can be fixed simply by keeping direct and open lines of communication--and refraining from insults or aggressive language. Don't forget to use your active listening skills!

Come to a compromise

Once you talk about the problem at hand, it's time to come to a solution. The best way to make both parties somewhat happy is to find a mutual compromise that benefits you both. For example, your roommate will agree to clean up the kitchen mess after he eats, but if he needs to leave a pan soaking it's not the end of the world.

Be considerate

Just because your roommate is a nightmare doesn't mean you have to be.  Treat her as you would expect to be treated, with respect for her and the common area you share. This is especially important after you've discussed a recent problem. The last thing you want to do is bring more negativity into your space.

Find a good match

Forced to part ways with your problem roommate because none of the above worked? Don't make a similar mistake when finding another one. Instead try to choose a roommate with a similar lifestyle! Are you a neat person? Find another neat person. Do you value your alone time? Find someone who isn't home very often. Good luck and happy roommate hunting!

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on March 16, 2016 - Moving Expert
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