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Write a Moving Company Review Here

Your valuable feedback means a lot to us here at, and it means a lot to the moving companies that use it to keep improving their services. If you wish to contribute a review, we’d love to hear all about your moving experience. In order to do so, enter the name of the moving company you used in the field below and then click Submit. Then, search for the company in the list that appears and below and select it.

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Review Guidelines
We're glad that you've come to tell us all about your moving experience and to give us some feedback, but before you do so, please review the following guidelines. These simple guidelines will help expedite the submission of your review and will help make your life a lot easier as well.
  • You must register with in order to submit a review. The registration process is a quick and easy one that will help you protect all parties from any fraudulent activity.
  • Your review will not be edited or modified in any way by us. Please keep this in mind as you write your review (i.e. spelling, exaggerations, and inappropriate content).
  • Try to be as specific and detailed as you can, especially if you are writing a complaint.
  • If you are submitting a complaint, we ask that you please also provide us with a copy of your invoice from the moving company as well as a copy of your moving contract. By doing this, we will be able to verify the specific instance that you are referencing and will be able to better serve you by accurately identifying the issue and correcting it.
  • Please be as honest as possible in your review. We always welcome personal and thoughtful commentary.
  • Avoid posting any personal information in your review such as your home address or telephone number.
  • Any content posted that is falsely defamatory, pornographic, obscene, profane, or otherwise offensive will be swiftly removed and your account will be suspended.

Abiding by these guidelines and your best judgment will ensure that your review is useful to us and other moving customers. We, and they, thank you again for taking the time to post on our site.

Note: For every review it is mandatory to send us a copy of your Bill of Lading, pre-move quote, and other relevant documents as proof. This helps us to track the untrue reviews from the competitors. If your reviews are found true, we take action to remove the companies from our site.

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