Most people don't realize just how many different companies and individuals have their contact information until they move and are forced to update all of that contact information with every single bank, credit card company, friend, family, place of employment and frequent flyer account that they have. It sounds like an overwhelming feat to tackle, especially after you've just gone through the stressful process of packing up all of your belongings, moving to a new house in a new town and then unpacking everything. But lucky for you, there are now services that make the process of changing your address with the post office and having your mail forwarded to your new home as easy as simply filling out a form online. It's one of the many reasons why modern technology is so great.
Why it's important
Having said that, it's still incredibly important to make sure that your address is changed as soon as you possibly can (before, during or after moving), to avoid a handful of potential headaches that can make your life more difficult than it needs to be and negate the convenience of these address changing services. Once you have your address changed with the Canada Post and have your mail successfully forwarded to your new home, you can take your time in updating your contact information with various establishments you are associated with, knowing that you won't miss out on any mail.
Missing out on important mail
Although that same great technology we mentioned above has enabled many people to pay their important bills online, there are still just as many of you out there who still pay your phone bills, utility bills, credit card bills, mortgage payments, etc. through the regular mail.
Imagine if you forgot to change your address, or if you waited too long to do it and you miss an entire month's worth of bills?
Not only can this damage your credit and hurt your wallet, but it can cause a major financial headache that you want to try your hardest to avoid. That's why it's a smart idea to change your address as soon as you can. If that means the day you step foot in your new house, then go for it. If you have the means to get it done then, or even a few days before you move, then it's best to do it and save yourself from any additional stress.
Getting your license updated
In addition to updating your contact information with all of your banks, schools, jobs, etc. you have to make a change to your driver's license as well as the rest of your car-related documents such as your insurance and your registration.
If you're moving to a different province, you'll need to get a new license as well as new plates for your car, so get it out of the way so that you won't have to worry about it later on down the line.
As with all of these things, it's best not to procrastinate and to take care of them as soon as they arise, although that's not what we tend to do as humans. But you'll find that if you do jump into action and get your address and license change taken care of when you need to, you will avoid unnecessary headaches in the future.
Change your address quickly and easily
There are several services out there on the Internet where you can quickly and easily change your address, and perhaps the easiest and most sure-fire way to get it done is through the Canada Post itself, at this website, which has been designated specifically for people who are moving.
All you have to do is visit the above website and fill out the online form, and for a small fee you can have all of your mail automatically forwarded to your new address. |