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Keeping in Touch with Friends After Move

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Moving away from your friends doesn't mean those relationships need to end. Luckily, we live in the twenty-first century, so there are plenty of ways to keep in touch with friends after your move!

Go online

Not only do we live in an extremely social age -- we live in a time when the most incredible technology is readily available. Our technological advancements have made it possible for us to stay in touch with just one click.
  • Send some e-mails. Electronic mail is a great way of keeping in touch, especially for people who work full time. Sometimes, you don't have the opportunity to talk to someone throughout the course of the day, so e-mail is perfect for keeping those messages organized. They'll be waiting for you to read them when you get the chance, and immediate responses are rarely expected.
  • Use social media. Social media has revolutionized communication in the past decade or so. With tools like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at your disposal, there are endless opportunities for interaction with friends from your old town.
  • Talk face-to-face.. sort of. The best substitute for face-to-face interaction is video chat. You can use programs like Skype or FaceTime to enhance your communication experience, via your computer or smartphone. This is perfect for people who want to actually see each other during a conversation, even if it's just through a screen!

Go mobile

Our cellphones do so many things nowadays: phone calls, text messaging and applications. They provide us with plenty of different ways to communicate.
  • Use your thumbs. Send your friends a text message when you're thinking of them. Text messaging is a great way to keep in touch from anywhere in the country or the world. Just make sure you and your friends have unlimited messaging plans before you wear out the send button.
  • Drop them a line. The last time we checked, our cellphones still made phone calls. So, give your friends a call when you want to have conversations that are deeper and more personal than text messaging or e-mail.
  • Did we mention social media? Basically every social media app is available for your mobile device -- and some are actually exclusive to your smartphone. New tools like Snapchat and WhatsApp are wonderful messaging apps to keep in touch with old friends from anywhere in the world.

Go away

Sure, you love your new home. But don't completely cut your old friends out of your life!
  • Plan a group vacation. If a bunch of your friends from your old town want to travel, then plan a group trip! This is an awesome way to get the whole gang back together, especially if you all enjoy experiencing new things. Plan a getaway on a tropical island, take a cruise or explore another country together. These memories keep friendships intact.
  • Attend a reunion event. If one of your friends is having a big birthday bash or an important life event (such as a wedding, first child, etc.), then it's a good idea to attend. This will be a great way to see all of your friends, and that extra effort of traveling to them will show how much you care.
  • Return home for a visit. Once you've settled into your new home after your move, schedule a visit to return to your old town. Perhaps you can stay with an old friend, or maybe you'll have to book a hotel room. Either way, your friends will love having you back and they'll want to hear all about your new place. It's also a good idea to schedule visits for them to come out and see it for themselves.

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on November 26, 2014 - Moving Expert
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