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Making Extra Money for Your Move |
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Moving is an expensive endeavour, but that burden can be lightened a bit by making some extra money before you move, while simultaneously decluttering your home. You also get rid of things that you would otherwise have to move, saving you money in the long run.
Find items to sell Chances are your life is full of things you don’t necessarily need. You can make some extra money by selling such items, but first you need to locate them.- Go through your garage, basement and other underused areas
- Dig through your storage space for little used items
- Check your closets, junk drawers and other storage spaces for belongings
- Pull out that thing you’ve been meaning to get out of your life and do it (a once used exercise bike or broken computer perhaps?)
Hold a garage sale After you have gone through your home and have determined what you want to sell (and you probably found more than you knew you had), hold a pre-moving garage sale. Not only will it help you lighten your load for moving day – and decrease the cost to ship your belongings –you’ll make extra money from things you don’t even have use for anymore.
Put any money you’ve earned from selling your old things into your moving fund. Before you know it the time will come to pay a bill from your movers.
TIP: Make sure to post proper signage around your neighbourhood, especially if you’re off a main road, to ensure the most shoppers possible. Also post ads in the days leading up to your garage sale in the local newspaper and in your surrounding neighbourhood to get the word out there. Sell your belongings online If you have any particularly worthy items you feel would make more money online (as opposed to a garage sale), there are several free (or relatively free) online options to get rid of your goods.
- eBay
- Assuming there are bidders, your items will sell in a set period of time
- You won’t know how much you’ll receive until the items sells
- Using the right settings will guarantee there will be no charges to list your items, but you will be billed a percentage of the money you earned from the sale to eBay
- Craigslist
- Completely free
- You set your own asking price
- You don’t know how long it will be until someone actually buys it
- Community forum for selling items
- Search to find options in your area
- Read the section below for more tips on selling locally in your community
Take advantage of local selling Don’t want to take a risk with strangers on the internet? Try selling to the people in your community.
- Put an ad in the local newspaper
- Hang up for sale signs on bulletin boards in high traffic areas: the park, community centers, your apartment complex’s bulletin boards, etc.
- Visit a pawn or consignment shop to see if they will purchase your belongings
- Take a trip to specialty shops like used booksellers for specific items
Donate the extras If any belongings are left over after all your attempts to sell them, donate to a local charity. As a slightly added bonus (in addition to your good will, of course) grab your receipt--donations are tax deductible at the end of the year.
Follow these suggestions and abide by some money saving tips and your budget will breathe a small sigh of relief. |
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