Explore All These Considerations as a Young Adult Before Moving Out

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What Young Adults Should Consider Before Moving Out

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Okay, so you’re a young adult and you think you're ready to leave your parents’ so-called nest and move out on your own, but are you really and truly ready?

Make sure that you take all these thoughts into consideration before making your final decision on the matter.

Why do you want to leave?

First things first, you have to ask yourself why you want to move out of the home you share with your parent(s) and decide if it is for the right reasons. Some acceptable reasons for moving include:

  • A desire to be independent
  • Wanting to move in with a friend or partner
  • Being closer to school or work
  • Taking the financial burden (in this case you) off your parents
  • There is an ongoing conflict between you and your parents
  • Your parents have asked you to leave

Keep in mind that making a rash decision based on a recent fight or because of emotional and/or physical abuse are the wrong reasons for young adults to move out.

If your reason is the former, take the time to talk through the problem and try to resolve it before rushing into a move.

If it is the latter, immediately contact the Department of Justice and learn how to get help dealing with family violence.

Are there other options?

Before deciding whether or not to move out completely, consider whether there are other options available to you.

  • Can you live on or off campus while at university?
  • Is there a study abroad program you can take advantage of?
  • Does a friend or family member have an extra room you can stay in?

Do you have a source of income?

Becoming an adult costs money. Once you have figured out whether you want to leave for the right reasons and/or have no other options available, decide whether or not you have a steady and reliable source of income to ensure that you can pay your bills and pay them in a timely manner.

Remember, you will also need to furnish this hypothetical apartment.

You don’t want to destroy your credit score or put yourself in crippling debt just so your young adult self can live on your own for the first time.

Can you afford to live on your own?

After confirming that yes, you have steady flow of income, put together a budget and figure out whether or not you can afford all the bills that come with living on your own. When making your monthly budget, take into consideration all the possible bills that require regular monthly payments, including:

  • Rent
  • Utilities (gas, electric, water)
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Miscellaneous bills (cell phone bill, credit card bill(s), etc.)
  • Loans (school loans, car loans, etc.)
  • Insurance (medical insurance, dental insurance, car insurance, rental insurance, etc.)
  • Basic cost of living (haircuts, doctor’s visits, etc.)

TIP: Also be sure to budget in some extra money for any emergencies, auto work, parking tickets and other surprises that may arise.

How are you with others?

Unless you are financially independent, you will most likely share your new apartment or rental property with a roommate, preferably someone you trust in a location where you feel safe.

Are you ready to deal with another person in a responsible way by splitting the chores, or – depending on the roommate – being forced to clean up after them? Are you prepared for them to possibly pay their bills late and be a general nuisance to your way of life?

Are you fully prepared?

When writing up a pros and cons list of reasons to move out of your parent’s home, it is important to ask yourself whether you are ready to take on all the responsibilities of your life.

Chances are you might be emotionally and mentally prepared if all of the following are true.

  • You’ve saved up money
  • You can adjust to a new way of living
  • You are a responsible person who gets things done on time
  • You don’t mind doing chores or running errands
  • You can otherwise clothe, feed and keep yourself healthy
  • You are an independent young adult who can do things for yourself
  • You’re ready to make hard decisions

How do you tell your parents?

So, you’ve made up your mind when it comes to moving out and have taken a multitude of considerations into account. You’ve even found some movers and an apartment with some friends.

So how do you go about the hardest part of all: informing your parents?

  • Sit them down on a day that they’re not stressed with outside factors
  • Explain your reasons for deciding to move out
  • Reassure them that you are a responsible young adult, giving them concrete examples
  • Go over your previously planned budget with them to reinforce this idea
  • Give them any information you can, such as who you will be living with and where
  • Remind them that you love and care for them

Who knows, they may even support your decision. Just remember if you do move to keep in touch, they’ll appreciate the effort. You might be a young adult, but you're their young adult.

Author :

on July 2, 2014

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