Where to Get Good Packing Materials

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Where to Buy Packing Materials

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A big move requires more than just reusing old cardboard boxes, so you'll need to buy some new things for packing, wrapping, and boxing your belongings. Your items are only as safe as their packaging, so you get quality materials that are appropriate for your needs. There are a few places you can find good packing materials.

What materials?

Before you buy packing materials, you need to access what you have and what you need. You should estimate that each room that needs to be moved will average about 10 medium sized boxes. Remember to estimate all the necessary packing material to pack those boxes. Try to get 50 percent more materials than what you estimate will be needed. Having more material than necessary may cost you more money at first but coming up short could complicate the whole process. There are plenty of uses for unused packing materials.

You may already have some packing materials in your house, so count what you have or can get for free before buying materials. Here are some of the most important things you need for a typical move:
  • Cardboard boxes of varying sizes.
  • Specialty boxes like wardrobe boxes and mirror boxes.
  • Packing tape to seal everything. Other tapes may be too harsh or weak to be used effectively for packing.
  • Bubble wrap is one of the best cushioning materials available. It comes in varying sizes and can be wrapped around most items to add a layer of protection.
  • Packing paper for filling negative space in boxes. This can be replaced by crumpled newspaper only if your items are resistant to the ink on newsprint.
  • Packing peanuts.
  • Labels.
  • Heavy black markers.
  • Scissors/ knives for cutting tape, string, or other packing materials.
  • Twine/string.
  • Plastic wrap to waterproof things.
If you have some of these materials lying around, make sure they are in reasonably good condition before deciding not to buy new versions. Tape that doesn't stick or boxes with creases and holes will not protect your things very well.

Where do you buy new materials?

The moving company
Most moving companies offer some type of packing service or packing materials. If you are already using a moving company for your move, consider buying their packing materials. Keep the following factors in mind:
  • Ask about the cost of the packing materials. There is often a hidden fee.
  • Specify if you just want to buy the materials or if you want the movers to pack your things, as well.
  • Moving companies will have access to quality materials in great quantities.
  • Sometimes packing materials are included for free.
  • Things packed by the moving company using their materials can be insured through the company. They are liable if they are damaged.
If you don't use a moving company or rather pick and choose what materials you buy more closely, there are quite a few places for you to buy packing materials either online or in brick and mortar locations.
  • Big name hardware stores, like Home Depot, offer a wide variety of packing materials. You can rest assured that big franchises like them offer quality products and return policies in case you buy more materials than necessary.
  • Sites devoted just to packing materials, like compack.ca, can offer a more detailed variety of packing materials that can be delivered to your home. These sites are best for specialty packing materials.
  • Amazon.ca can offer easily searchable materials from a variety of vendors. You can compare and contrast prices for similar items on Amazon and read customer reviews. Sites like this allow you to compare packing material vendors just like we allow you to compare moving services here on Topmoving.ca!

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on October 28, 2014

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