Learn How to Move in an Apartment Building with Stairs

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Moving into an Apartment Building with Stairs

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It's already hard enough moving into a shared communal area like an apartment building, and that difficulty only increases exponentially when you add in the factor of an apartment building with multiple stairs leading to your rental.

Yes, it will be daunting, it will be difficult, but if you follow our tips below it will be do-able.

See if it fits

Before you even think about tackling the stairwell in your new apartment building, check that your old furniture can fit.

Take measurements of the width of the stairs first and compare it against your current belongings to see what you will be able to bring with you.

Don't forget, if need be, certain items can be disassembled on the day of your move (particularly table and sofa legs).

Hire professionals

If you're able to fit it into your moving budget, consider hiring professionals to do the heavy lifting for you.

You can choose between either:
  • A moving company - who will move your belongings from your old location into your new apartment (and even pack for you if you so desire)
  • Or moving labour - who will load and unload your moving truck but do not provide the actual moving truck or drive things from one location to another
Services in your area can be found quickly and easily by filling out this quote form, which will directly put you in touch with movers near you.

Watch out for neighbours

Since you're new in your building, you should take care not to get in the way of the people who already live there. Especially small children and pets. You don't want to make a bad impression before you've even settled in your new apartment building.
  • Say hello to any neighbours you run into while moving
  • Politely move out of their way so they can get by
  • Apologize for the inconvenience your move may have caused them

TIP: Before carrying large furniture up the stairs of your new apartment, look to see that no one is in the process of going up or down them already. It will be especially difficult for them to get by mid-move.

Bring in help

Moving is a task best tackled with assistance, especially if you have large furniture that requires more than one person to move. Recruit some loved ones to help you take on the stairs in your new building and don't forget to thank them during and after the move for their help.

It's almost impossible to move alone, so if you cannot afford to hire movers don't be shy about asking friends and family to lend you a helping hand, particularly if you're moving in on your own.

Invest in a hand truck

Hand trucks are useful for moving large  and heavy items up stairs, you just have to secure the item to the dolly with rope beforehand for safety reasons.

Oftentimes, if you rent a moving truck you are able to pay extra for use of a dolly or hand truck. Either that or the company will provide one for you to borrow free of charge.

Take it slow and steady

Carrying especially heavy items? Take a rest between landings to catch your breath and to ensure you don't tire yourself out. The last thing you want is to drop a piece of furniture mid-move because you pushed yourself too hard and cannot continue due to exhaustion.

TIP: When possible, move your heaviest items first (such as furniture) while you still have the most energy.

Safety first

Since you will be navigating up and down these stairs in your building throughout the day, it's important to keep safety above the speediness of your move.
  • Inspect the stairs first for signs of loose floorboards, nails or carpeting that you or your movers could potentially trip over
  • Wear sturdy, non-slip, close-toed footwear and make sure your shoelaces are tied at all times
  • Invest in some gloves to protect your hands and help keep a grip on your belongings
  • Wrap and secure items so they don't open while you're moving them and so they don't scratch or scuff the walls or stairs
  • Make a plan of attack to see who will be walking backward up the stairs and who will be moving forward
  • Communicate with each other throughout the move, if you're about to drop something, say something
  • Put down furniture and rest when needed
Most importantly, be careful, remain vigilant and your move will be a smooth -- albeit stair-filled -- one.

Author :

on July 14, 2014

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