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What Not to Forget on Moving Day

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We're not going to lie, no matter how much you plan in advance, chances are your moving day will be a hectic one. And when things get hectic and you get frazzled, you are more likely to forget something important the day of your move.

Here are all the important items that you are most likely to forget (but hopefully won't) come moving day.

House keys

Have keys to lock up your old home and take with you when you leave (including the ones you may have hidden around your house), but even more importantly, have keys to your new home or apartment so that you can let the movers inside with your belongings.

There is nothing more disastrous that could occur on moving day than forgetting your keys and being forced to delay your move while you try to get inside (not to mention the extra money it may cost you).

Emergency moving kit

Accidents happen, so to solve this in the best way possible, you need to be prepared for any eventuality that comes from the moving experience by putting together an emergency moving kit. Fill it with supplies like:
  • A first aid kit to deal with injuries
  • Extra packing supplies to conclude any and all packing
  • Tools to dismantle and put items together

Cell phone

Since you will be orchestrating your move and all the moving parts that go along with it, you must be able to easily get in contact with friends or family who are helping you or any movers you may have hired. Especially if said movers or loved ones happen to be running late and you require an ETA.

With that being said, fully charge your cell phone and have it ready to go prior to your move.

Your moving paperwork

If you ever need to look at your moving paperwork on the big moving day (for example to check pricing on your Bill of Lading or confirm something on your moving inventory) place it in an easily accessible place, organized and nearby, such as with your...

First night survival kit

In the frenzy that comes with moving, don't accidentally pack everything in your home. You will want to set aside some items to get yourself and your family through the next several days of the unpacking and settling in process. This first night moving survival kit should contain items for:
  • Bathrooms - toilet paper, hand soap, cleaning supplies, shower curtains, towels, bathmats, medication, garbage bags and toiletries
  • The kitchen - still more garbage bags, disposable plates, cups and utensils
  • Bedrooms - sheets, blankets, pillows, pillow cases, electronic chargers and a few changes of clothing
  • Your children - toys, entertainment, snacks and a few changes of clothes
  • Your pets - toys, treats, food, food and water dishes

TIP: Pack your emergency kit with your first night survival kit and move it separately from the rest of your move in a see-through container so it is both easy to locate and accessible.

Tip money

Assuming you have hired a moving company (or plan on hiring a moving company), it's good practise to have cash to tip your drivers, movers, packers, etc. You can also consider additionally thanking your movers in non-monetary ways for their hard work.

Cash will also come in handy if any emergencies arise.

A final walk-through

To ensure that your move was a successful one -- and to make sure nothing was left behind -- do a final walk-through of your home to look for any belongings you may have forgotten. Also use this time to look for any damages that may have been caused by your moving team and document them for claim purposes.

TIP: Is there something you know you're going to forget on moving day? Leave all items that fit this criteria near the front door of the home or apartment you are moving out of so it will catch your eye on the way out. You can also pack it in your car ahead of the move.

Author :

on August 5, 2014 - Moving Expert
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