Learn How You Can Stay Organized While Unpacking

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Staying Organized While You Unpack

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If you listened to our suggestions for staying organized while you pack, unpacking should be a breeze.

If you didn't, it's okay, there's still plenty of unpacking tips to follow to at least make one portion of your after move to-do list organized and manageable.

Confirm that everything has arrived

After your movers have brought everything into your new home, do a quick count to ensure that all your boxes have arrived.

Your inventory should have noted the number of boxes that belong in each room which will help you determine whether or not everything is accounted for.

Is something missing or damaged? Tell your movers right away so they can begin to file a claim through your movers insurance.

Place your furniture

Before you really begin the unpacking process, choose where your furniture will go so you can place your belongings on and around these fixtures.

  • Place all your moving boxes in the center of the room to keep them out of the way
  • Work from room to room, starting with the most used ones first
  • Inspect your furniture for any damage as you find new locations for them
  • Arrange your furniture in the room where you think it would look best
  • Now the unpacking process can begin

Remember, if the way you set up your home ends up not working for whatever reason, you can always change it. The important thing right now is getting unpacked and situated.

Especially if you have young children, teenagers or pets who are going to require help adjusting.

Unpack the important items first

You probably have a lot of boxes to unpack, but the ones that get unpacked immediately are the important ones with items you are going to need right away.

Assuming you labelled your boxes correctly with the room they go in and the items inside this will be an easy task.

Possible items of import include:

  • Any groceries, pots and pans and cooking implements
  • Bathroom items and cleaning supplies
  • Your clothing and accessories
  • Your children(s) rooms to get them adjusted to their new environment faster
  • The home office if you're going to use it sooner than other rooms

Check that your belongings are undamaged

Inspect your items as you unpack. If you notice something is damaged, take a photo of it and contact your moving company right away to get started on a claim.

You only have a certain amount of time to file depending on the company so do not leave this important task until the last minute.

Go from room to room

The unpacking process may seem daunting, but if you take it one room at a time while unpacking your belongings, staying organized and sane is definitely more manageable.

Don't try and tackle everything at once, start with the most important rooms first (kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms), unpacking boxes and organizing until you are done in that room and can move on.

  • If you did not pack like items with like items, remove everything from your boxes and group them together by item type
  • Place your belongings where you want them to go around the room starting with the most important items first
  • However, if your boxes are already grouped by type, begin unpacking box by box, placing things where they belong (again, most important things get placed before anything else)
  • When you are done with a room, move all boxes and packing materials somewhere out of the way to focus on getting your home ready
    • A garage or storage area would be a good place until you are all unpacked

This routine of unpacking systematically will not have you staying organized, but it will seem to make the job go by quicker.

TIP: Have children? Are they old enough to unpack their own rooms? Set them to the task themselves so you have one less thing to worry about. Also consider unpacking communal living areas together to bond your family with each other and their new home.

Dispose of your packing materials

Once you are successfully unpacked it's time to start recycling or reusing those moving boxes and packing materials that you accrued.

  • Take them to the local recycling center
  • Use them to pack up and place things you aren't currently using in storage
  • Hold onto them in case you plan to sell and ship unwanted belongings online
  • Give them to a friend or family member who will be moving soon

Of course after the unpacking has been successfully carried out (in an organized manner) the real fun can begin: decorating and reorganizing your new home!

Author :

on June 23, 2014

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