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Timing Your Move Out of Your Home

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Moving is a time consuming process that takes planning and decisive execution. If you plan too late, you'll be surprised at every turn and your move will not go smoothly. If you try to do things too early or out of order, you can sabotage your move, as well. Make a schedule that plans out the timing of the entire move for a smooth and stress-free experience.

Over two months before moving day

The first step of moving out of your home is deciding that you want or need to do it. Nothing can progress until you are fully committed to leaving your current home for another one. The earliest you can reasonably move after making this decision is two months later. Ask yourself the following question when deciding the details of your move:
  • Do I know where I want to live?
  • Do I need to buy a house?
  • Should I do it myself or hire movers?
  • What does my family think?
  • Am I in the middle of something that will need to be completed before the move or delayed because of the move?
  • Do I want to move during the more expensive, yet milder, summer months, or should I try to move during a cheaper time of year?
  • Does it matter to me that I can find cheaper moving services if I move on a weekday in the middle of the month?

Two months before moving day

Once you decide to move, you need to start preparing two months before the day you plan to move out of your home.
  • Start researching moving companies. Compare customer reviews, make sure they're certified and get quotes. Just remember that phone estimates are never accurate.
  • Assess your belongings and purge what you can. See what you want to move, what you can live without, and what you can sell. Organizing your things early is important because you can't do it in a day or two. You need time to think, sort, clean, and sell.
  • Create a moving file to store all your moving records.
  • Contact schools for children that will be moving.

One and a half months before moving day

  • Start measuring furniture and doors to see what can be moved and what may need to be disassembled or left behind.
  • Get packing materials if you plan on not using the moving company's supplies. Get about 50 percent more than you think you need since you only have a rough idea of the size of your shipment at this point.
  • Stop buying disposable items you'll have to get rid of on moving day. This includes food, paper products, and cleaning supplies.

One month before moving day

  • Finalize your moving inventory. You should now know everything that you plan to move, sell or leave behind.
  • Finalize a deal with a moving company. Remember to get an in-house estimate for your moving inventory.
  • Label everything accordingly.
  • Create a personal moving safety box to contain small valuables like jewellery and moving documents.
  • Begin packing infrequently used items. Consider insuring more expensive things.
  • Ask Canada Post for a Change of address.
  • If they don't already know about the move, notify jobs, friends, families, doctors, insurance companies, banks, subscription services, and utilities. 
  • Arrange for your medical records to be forwarded to your new location. See if you can get referrals for new doctors.

Two weeks before moving day

  • Make sure your car is ready for the trip by taking it for a tune-up.
  • Call out of work for moving day.
  • Reconfirm the date and time of the move with the moving company.

One week before moving dayiosphere/

  • Refill prescriptions. This will be your last chance to get the drugs you need for a couple weeks.
  • Have most of your packing done. This includes suitcases that you will live out of for the first few days of the move. They should contain clothes, prescription and necessary OTC medications, and toiletries.

Days before moving day

  • Defrost your fridge or freezer. It doesn't matter if you're moving it or leaving it behind, the refrigerator or freezer will need to be unplugged to melt ice so it doesn't drip when it is being moved or if the power is turned off at your old home.
  • Reconfirm the cutoff date for your utilities with the appropriate companies.
  • Prepare to meet the movers. Get your payment ready and also prepare some refreshments for them. 
  • Double check everything. Ask the movers when they're coming, reassess your packing and labelling, and call ahead about your destination.

Moving day

  • Be at your home waiting for the movers.
  • Confirm that they are the right company and not part of some brokering scam.
  • Provide instructions and supervise the move.
  • Sign the bill of lading and inventory list before the movers leave, but only if you agree that they did indeed load everything it says they loaded.
  • Keep a copy of those final moving documents with you as you leave your old home for the last time with your travel suitcases.
  • You should get to your new home before the movers do.

Author :

on October 29, 2014 - Moving Expert
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