There's Something in the Water!
Posted on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 11:51 AM, by Michael Meerovich, under
Canada News, Did You Know, Travel, Weather
A familiar face appears in Nova Scotia
Pumpkin has been found in Nova Scotia's very own Minas Basin. When you hear that name, you are probably thinking it's some domestic animal that got loose. However, what if I told you Pumpkin was a great white shark? Well, Pumpkin IS a great white shark, and she...
Tags : canada, news, sharks
Flight Attended Refuses to Let 2-Year-Old Use Wash Room
Posted on Monday, June 19, 2017, 02:19 PM, by Nicole Schurott, under
Canada News, Did You Know, Travel
Flights have been becoming more unpleasant as time progresses. The issues with overbooking flights is becoming more and more frequent. And now they are not letting toddlers use the closest washroom? Where does it end?!
On a return flight from Nova Scotia to Calgary in May, Stacy Osmond and her gran...
New Opportunities for Lower Class Families
Posted on Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 10:38 AM, by Nicole Schurott, under
After Your Move, Before Your Move, Canada News, Did You Know, Lifestyle
Finally, after years of separation, the road to closing the gap between the wealthy and the poor is getting a little smaller. The government just signed an agreement meant to supply child-care to those families who really need it.
The goal here is to "help give more Canadian children the best ...