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How to Properly Pack Your Car for a Move

Moving all of your personal belongings to your new home is no easy task, and usually requires a moving truck. However, you still have space in your car that you can use for transporting your items. The thing is, you need to figure out the best way to utilize the minimal space you have. Don't just stuff everything into your car with no sense of organization. Instead, follow these tips for packing your car efficiently for a move.

Here are the three P's of packing:

1. Plan

Before you start loading anything in your car, figure out what is essential to bring. Consider what you are putting in the moving truck and what you can fit in your car. You should also measure how much space is available in your car, so that you know which items can fit. Also, you should make sure your car is clean, to allow for the maximum amount of space possible. 

2. Prepare

Don't use boxes to store anything in your car. Instead, try to put items in garbage bags or vacuum-storage bags. These will allow for even more space to pack your items. If you must use boxes, try your best to use the smallest sizes. In addition, you should label everything so that you know exactly where everything is after your move. This will also allow you to keep track of the items you have already packed. Finally, consider storing stuff on top of your car, with an overhead luggage carrier. Make sure any items that you put on top of your car are secured and use bungee cords if necessary. 

3. Pack

Finally, the moment you have waited for - the packing. Pack everything in order of importance, with the most vital items first. You want to make sure that you have enough space for these items. Put any items you need during your drive (such as snacks, drinks, phones, chargers, and money) within reachable distance. Moreover, you should ensure that all of your items are securely packed, and won't open or move around while you drive. If something is fragile, consider putting a pillow or a blanket around it so it doesn't get banged up. Lastly, make sure you can see out of your back window. 

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