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List: Things You Should Know by the Time You're Ready to Move out

There are so many lists on the internet about "tasks that everyone should know how to do by the time they are XX years old." This is one of those lists. You might disagree with the some of the items on the list, but here are some things we think everyone should know how to do by the time they're living on their own.  

Learn how to use basic tools

Even if you aren't moving out on your own for the first time, it's always helpful to know how to use some basic tools. You might not need to know how to use a Kreg Jig or a miter saw, but knowing how to use a power drill is going to come in handy when it's time to hang some shelves.

In fact, buying a small and easy-to-use power drill is a great starting point when it comes to creating your own basic tool set. You should also include these other basic items:
  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver set
  • Wrenches and pliers
  • Level
  • Measuring tape
  • Drill bits/drivers
  • WD-40

Those items in addition to your power drill will get you through a variety of home repairs, and as you feel more comfortable with them, you'll quickly know which tool is right for the job. 

How to complete basic repairs
Once you've mastered the basic tools, you should also be able to handle making some basic repairs around your home. Patching drywall holes  and fixing a leaky pipe or faucet might warrant a call to your landlord if you're renting, but these are both repairs that can easily be done on your own if you have the patience to watch a few YouTube videos and visit the home improvement store. If you're a homeowner, YOU ARE the landlord. 

Basic household chores
By the time you move out, you should know how to do your own laundry, cook your own meals and clean around your home. You might not have mastered the art of getting red wine out of your favourite white blouse, but you should be able to launder your clothing on a regular basis. Even if you're only cooking for yourself, ordering take out every night will get expensive, so mastering the art of cooking with the intention of having leftovers is a useful task to learn. Whether it's making food for an entire week, or just enough so you have lunch the next day -- it will be helpful. 

Keep your home presentable
Daily chores and routines are what keeps your home looking presentable enough for guests. You don't want to have a mad panic cleaning session every time you invite friends over. Keeping up with cleaning routines will help keep your clutter at bay, otherwise you'll find yourself deep cleaning EVERY weekend, which is no fun. 

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