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Warm Up Your House For The Winter

Prep For Next WinterIt's safe to say winter is officially gone, and spring is here to stay! While you no longer have to deal with the frigid weather, it doesn't mean you can't prepare for the next winter. In fact, this is probably the perfect time to prepare; the weather is warm enough to prep the outside of your house for the season to come. 

The tips in this blog will not only help better insulate your home, it will also help you save on future heating and cooling bills. Properly sealing will help keep the cold out in the winter and the cool air in during summer months. 

Make sure the entrances and windows are properly sealed to make sure the winter weather stays outside. Weather stripping for windows and doors come in a series of colors to match any color you may have; it is very easy to install as well as remove. Applying directly a glass door or windows? No problem. Stores offer transparent weather-sealant tape to seal glass entrance ways or cracks you may have in a glass surface that are very hard to spot. Your front door is a big culprit in letting air sneak in through the strip at the bottom. To fix this, install a door sweep directly to the bottom of the door with either nails or adhesive. 

While your house may be well insulated, it is almost guaranteed that your attic and crawlspaces are not. In this case, traditional insulation will not do the job. It's both time-consuming and expensive. Instead, install reflective insulation. At $20 a roll, it's fiber-free and super easy to install!

Garage door
If your garage is attached to the house, this is another large culprit for letting in cold air. If you're not looking to insulate, apply a weather-sealing strip to the bottom of the door to keep air from seeping in.

This next one might come as a surprise, but outlets and light switches that lie on exterior walls let in the cold air as well. To reduce this, invest in a foam outlet and switch sealers; they are quick to install and cost-effective, but don't forget to shut the power before you remove the outlet or switch cover.

The decor in your house also affects whether your house is warm or not. Curtains help cover any drafty windows you have. I'm sure you'll notice if you have rug, it is much warmer than having hardwood floors. Even if it is an area rug, it will help warm up the room and make it a little more bearable to walk on! 

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