Is it Time for a New Roof ?
Posted on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 08:35 AM, by Paul Bookstaber, under
After Your Move, Home Improvement , Lifestyle, Services, Weather
When is it time to replace a roof? The roof is the most detrimental component to a house as it provides safety from extreme weather, insulation, and ventilation. However, you may ask yourself what are the warning signs of when that roof is becoming a problem to you and your family? Consider these op...
Tags : spillage, damage, caution, repair, drain, shingles, finance, financials, upkeep, roofer, roof, gutter, valleys, warping, chimney, flashing
Should You Buy Extra Moving Insurance?
Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 08:38 AM, by Amy Meerovich, under
Before Your Move
Moving is already an expensive and stressful experience. Do you really need to take out extra insurance on top of everything else you have to pay for? According to Doug Kellough from the Canadian Association of Movers (CAM), the answer is yes. Too often belongings are lost or damaged in transit, esp...